Leave a Legacy
Planned giving is another unique philanthropic tool that allows you to ensure that our mission will continue into the future, leaving a lasting legacy. Planned gifts do not adversely impact your current financial situation and could have tax benefits in the present as well as to your estate. Planned gifts include bequests through your Will, gifts of life insurance, charitable lead trusts, and gifts of retirement plans. These gifts can be made in cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, and real estate. Please contact your estate planning attorney for more information.
Mission Possible Homeless Cat Foundation understands that family comes first and appreciates your desire to provide for your family, pets, and favourite charities in your estate planning process. Each of the opportunities listed below requires careful consideration and discussion with your family and your professional advisors, lawyers, estate planners, and financial advisors. The ideas presented here are not intended to replace the advice of trained professionals.
Bequeathals are made in your Last Will and Testament. No matter what your age or financial status is, it is important to have a formalized estate plan to ensure your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets are carried out, whether it be to your family, friends, and/or a charitable organization. In the case of the latter, you may leave a specific monetary amount OR a percentage of your overall assets to Mission Possible Homeless Cat Foundation. A lawyer who is skilled in estate planning can assist you in formalizing your wishes. (And don't forget to include your wishes for your beloved pet(s)!)
Life Insurance
A charitable gift of life insurance can be a wonderful way for you to leave a lasting legacy by making a more substantial donation to Mission Possible Homeless Foundation as part of your estate plan. There are various ways of going about it with pros and cons to both you and the charity in each case. Therefore, it's best to consult with a professional financial advisor for guidance on how you may include a charitable gift of life insurance in your long-term financial plan. Click here for more valuable information.
Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, other Appreciated Securities
If you're looking for a way to make a significant contribution to Mission Possible Homeless Cat Foundation and have investments which have appreciated in value from the time of purchase, a direct donation of a stock or mutual fund is a great way to provide some tax advantages for you. Normally, when you sell appreciated securities, you will have to pay tax on your capital gains. If you donate appreciated securities directly to Mission Possible Homeless Cat Foundation, the capital gains tax will be significantly reduced and you'll receive a donation receipt for fair market value. Click here for more information, then speak with your professional financial advisor to learn how it can be advantageous for your financial situation.