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Community Services
Mission Possible Homeless Cat Foundation is committed to educating the public on the plight of homeless cats, and explain how each and every person can help. We loan humane traps to the public for free and offer referrals to affordable spay/neuter clinics where possible.

Education & T.N.R. Training
We are committed to educating the public via social media and at various local community events regarding the plight of homeless cats. We explain the various ways people can help these feral and unwanted cats to survive, and better yet, thrive while naturally and humanely lowering the feral cat population.
We also offer hands-on Trap/Neuter/Release (T.N.R.) training, as well as "best practices" information to those wanting to become community cat caretakers.

Humane Trap Loans
To assist our local community with their T.N.R. efforts, we loan traps at NO charge (refundable $100 deposit), along with a printout of humane cat trapping instructions. If you are within 70 miles of Lufkin or Nacogdoches, TX and are in need of a humane trap(s) to get a stray cat(s) to the vet for possible identification via microchip or medical attention, please call or text us at 408-386-4867. We have several Safeguard double door traps (36″ x 11″ x 12″) that we can loan you.
NOTE: Trapping and relocating or killing wildlife (which includes cats) is inhumane AND against the law in most instances, therefore, we will NOT loan traps to be used for this purpose.

Cat Trapping Assistance
In certain circumstances, and if availability permits, we can provide specialized cat trapping assistance to our local community members if our previous advice and their own trapping efforts have been unsuccessful.
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