Mission Possible is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that relies on the generosity of the public to cover the costs of all expenses incurred in caring for these homeless cats. While we have the drive and ambition to run the sanctuary, financial and volunteer support is essential to cultivate and maintain not only the basic costs of our care, but to further develop our programs and initiatives.
Below are various different ways you can help us!

** Your donation is tax deductible, so we'll send you a receipt. **
Federal Tax ID #81-3834592
Donate via
PayPal or Venmo
Click on PayPal's Donate button to pay with your credit card. To help with the ongoing care of our rescue cats, setting up an automatic monthly dona-tion is greatly appreciated.

Using the Venmo app on your smart phone, search for
@CatRescueLady to send your kind donation.
Donate By Mail
Money and cat food coupon donations are greatly appreciated. Please make your check(s) payable to:
Mission Possible Homeless Cat Foundation
Checks and Cat Food Coupons
can be mailed to:
P.O. 244
Pollok, Texas 75969
Legacy Giving
Planned Giving can provide a way for our supporters to leave a meaningful legacy to Mission Possible. It won't adversely impact your current financial situation, and could have tax benefits in the present, as well as to your estate:
Bequeath via Will
Life Insurance Policy
Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
Employee Matching
Many companies have employee donation matching programs. Click here to see if your employer might be one of them. If so, speak with your employer's Human Resources representative to learn more about how your donation to Mission Possible Homeless Cat Foundation, a registered non-profit organization, will be matched.
Donate Your Unwanted Vehicle
CARS makes donating your used vehicle of any type or condition (boats, RV's, motorcycles too) super easy. They take care of everything from the pick-up and sale, to sending your tax receipt. CARS will then deliver us the highest possible return from the sale of your vehicle. Click their logo to learn more about this program, and click here if you wish to donate your vehicle.